Risk factors for ED have been delineated in large prospective studies, such as Massachusetts Male Aging Study (MMAS), Boston Area Community Health Survey (BACHS), and Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS). The MMAS study reported on males between ages 40 and 70 years and found that erectile function declined precipitously with age. Overall, the study found that 52% of men within this age range suffered from some degree of ED. Diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension increased the risk of ED significantly in this study.
Erectile dysfunction was studied in men aged 45–70 years with a 14-year follow-up in the HPFS. Excluding men who developed prostate cancer, the relative risk (RR) of development of ED as per self-assessment was 1.5 for current smokers and 1.9 for obese men. In contrast, moderate exercise decreased the risk of ED. Interestingly, these risk factors produced greater effect in men 55 years or younger.
The BACHS was created specifically to assess urologic symptoms in a diverse cohort.
- This study found a dose-response effect of tobacco cigarettes on ED, although there was not a significant increase in the odds of developing ED until over 20 pack-years of the habit.
- They also found that low socioeconomic status, independent of other risk factors, including race, was a risk factor for ED.
Erectile Physiology A successful male penile erection requires two processes. Cavernosal artery smooth muscle relaxation and increased venous outflow resistance. In order to sustain an erection one must achieve and maintain a high arterial inflow and a low venous outflow. Cavernosal arterial smooth muscle relaxation is an active process and the initial event of an erection. viagra tablets online
1. Smooth muscle relaxation leads to arterial dilation which results in increased penile blood flow that in turn causes radial and longitudinal cavernosal expansion. This process is mediated by nitric oxide released through stimulation of nonadrenergic, noncholinergic nerves (NANC).
2. Nitric oxide binds to smooth muscle cells stimulating the production of cyclic GMP, which then decreases intracellular calcium and causes relaxation. Cyclic AMP, a second minor messenger, acts in a similar manner to decrease intracellular calcium and causes muscle relaxation.
Venous outflow resistance, in contrast to arterial smooth muscle relaxation, is a passive process. As the cavernosal tissues engorge and expand, they compress the subtunical venous sinuses and cause the outflow resistance necessary to maintain an erection.
Understanding the psychological aspects of ED requires understanding the connection between the brain and the penis. There are two basic inputs leading to sexual arousal and, therefore, erections. One is physiological and results from direct stimulation of the penis. This reflexogenic input is centered in the sacral regions of the spinal cord and is primarily under parasympathetic nervous system control.
The other is psychological and results from mental experiences in the brain which are transmitted to the penis. This psychogenic input is mediated in the cerebral cortex. The brain is the source of both excitatory and inhibitory influences on erections. The inhibitory pathway is under serotonergic control, while the excitatory pathway is under the influence of the neurotransmitter oxytocin. The medial parietooccipital region of the limbic system has a primarily inhibitory role, such as in the fight-or-flight response. The sexual centers of the brain, particularly the midbrain, hypothalamus, and amygdala respond to gonadal hormones and, thus, are part of the hormonal feedback system that shapes sexual behavior. The reticular activating system has an important triage role through its connections between higher and lower brain structures as they process sexual stimuli.
These connect to one of two coordinating nerve centers along the spinal cord. More simply stated, erections are the result of friction and fantasy. An implication of these two inputs to erectile response is that mental experiences, i.e., thoughts, feelings, memories, and fantasies, have a central role in normal sexual response and are crucial factors in the development of sexual dysfunctions.
Bancroft and Janssen have proposed a dual control model of erectile function that includes both excitatory and inhibitory influences on sexual response, which is similar to the model of CNS control over erections described above. This model emphasizes that higher brain functions (e.g., thoughts and feelings) can impact erectile response positively or negatively. For example, a common manifestation of ED is the man who, while experiencing sexual arousal, becomes anxious about his performance and loses his erection.
The inhibitory influence of sympathetic nervous system arousal on erectile response is the biological basis to many of the psychological origins of ED.
Everhard and colleagues have posited a complex feedback process for sexual arousal that incorporates physiological response, the immediate situation or context, emotional arousal, and cognitive appraisal. This understanding of the neurological control involved in sexual response highlights the interdependence of psychological and physiological aspects of ED.
Because the brain is intimately involved in the control of erections, a wide variety of psychological factors impact erectile response and may lead to erectile dysfunction (ED).
This chapter reviews the assessment of psychological factors in ED, the immediate and underlying psychological conditions involved, and the development of ED over time. Outcome research on psychological treatments for ED is also reviewed. The goal of the chapter is to help health care providers to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of ED that is sensitive to psychological factors.
A comprehensive understanding of erectile dysfunction (ED) must incorporate both the physical and the psychological aspects of erectile response. An erection is best characterized as a psychophysiological phenomenon that depends on a complex interplay of biological and psychological factors. Impairment in any of these aspects may lead to erectile dysfunction. The focus of this chapter is on the assessment of psychological factors that contribute to erection difficulties. The evidence regarding the outcome of psychological treatments and the integration of medical and psychological treatments are also reviewed.
The definition of psychological factors to be used here encompasses a variety of mental aspects of sexuality.
- First are the behavioral aspects, which primarily involve who does what to whom in the sexual encounter.
- Second are the emotional aspects of the sexual response, that is, feelings during sex, as well as the emotional needs associated with sex.
- Third are the cognitive aspects of sexual response, which include knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes about sexuality.
- Fourth are the interpersonal aspects, i.e., the couple’s interaction and the quality of the relationship, both sexual and emotional.
- Fifth are the cultural aspects of sexuality, which entail the expectations and norms that shape sexual behavior.
It is also important to note that, while most of these aspects of sexuality are either observable or may be described by the patient, much of what is referred to as psychological is either unconscious or inaccessible to the individual himself.
Nitric Oxide NO is emerging as an essential neurotransmitter within the CNS for erectile response. NO appears to act in several regions of the brain, including the MPOA and PVN.
Injection of NO-synthase (NOS) inhibitors into the PVN prevents penile erection induced by dopamine agonists and oxytocin.
NO production increased in the PVN of rats during noncontact erections, confirming the role of NO production during erection.
ACTH and a-MSH Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and its related peptide a(alpha)-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH) have been shown to elicit erectile responses in addition to increased grooming, stretching, and yawning behaviors when given intracerebroventricularly to lab animals.
This proerectile effect appears to be due to the stimulation of melanocortin-3 (MC3) receptors which are prevalent in the hypothalamus and limbic system. The role of these peptides in erectile response is not entirely known, but they appear to induce erection by acting at sites distinct from those in the PVN stimulated by dopamine and oxytocin. Additionally, Melanotan II, an a-MSH synthetic analog, has had proerectile effects in humans with psychogenic impotence.
Other Neurotransmitters Excitatory amino acids, such as l-glutamate, N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA), amino-3-hydroxy- 5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA), and trans-1-amino-1,3-cyclo-pentadicarboxylic acid (ACPD) have been shown to have proerectile effects when injected into the MPOA or PVN of lab animals. Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) appears to function as an inhibitor in the reflex pathways for penile erection. Stimulation of opiod m receptors appears to centrally prevent penile erection and impair copulation likely through the prevention of the increased NO production in the PVN during sexual activity.
Oxytocin Proerectile projections from the supraoptic area of the hypothalamus and the PVN travel to the spinal centers for erection and oxytocin has been shown to be a key neurotransmitter in these neurons. In lab animals, intracerebroventricular or intrathecal injection of oxytocin antagonists blocks the induction of erection that is seen with intrathecal oxytocin injection. Additionally, antagonist injection into the lateral ventricles leads to a dose dependant reduction in noncontact erections.
This has led to the belief that oxytocin plays a role in facilitating nonreflexive erections. Dopamine Dopaminergic neurons project to the MPOA and PVN and also have been discovered to travel from the caudal hypothalamus to the lumbosacral spinal cord.
Dopamine is thought to participate in central regulation of the autonomic and somatic penile reflexes. The dopamine receptor agonist, apomorphine, induces penile erection in rats when administered systemically. Additionally, apomorphine injection into the MPOA facilitated erections while dopaminergic antagonist injection into the MPOA decreased penile reflexes.
In the PVN, dopaminergic neurons appear to stimulate oxytocinergic neurons, which then more directly account for the erectile response. This is supported by the prevention of apomorphine-induced erections in the presence of oxytocin receptor antagonists.
Serotonin In experimental animal models, bulbospinal neurons containing serotonin (5-HT) project to the lumbar spinal cord. Serotonergic fibers have been demonstrated in close proximity to retrogradely labeled sacral preganglionic neurons.
One study showed 5-HT in general had an inhibitory effect on male sexual behavior. However, there have been conflicting reports with another study showing that the stimulation of 5-HT2c receptors mediated the erectile response. Thus, the full function of 5-HT in erectile function has not been fully elucidated. It appears to serve various functions likely acting as a major modulator of the central control of erection.
Paraventricular Nucleus The hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) contains premotor neurons that project from the parvocellular layer directly into the spinal cord.
These neurons have been shown to contain a variety of neurotransmitters: oxytocin, vasopressin, enkephalins, and dopamine. In rat models injection of a variety of neuromediators (oxytocin, glutamate, nitric oxide, dopamine agonists) into the PVN has been shown to elicit penile erection.
Additionally, in both rats and monkeys, stimulation of the PVN elicits erection. Lesion of the parvocellular layer of the PVN causes longer latencies and fewer noncontact erections in rats. Parvocellular PVN neurons have been shown to respond to stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis in rats, suggesting that the PVN may be a supraspinal reflex center for erections.viagra professional Canada
The PVN also receives input from the medial preoptic area (MPOA) suggesting that the PVN serves to integrate MPOA input before sending it downstream via autonomic pathways selectively activated within the PVN Medial Preoptic Area The MPOA of the hypothalamus is key to sexual behavior.
In rats and monkeys, MPOA stimulation elicits erection. In monkeys, increases in MPOA neuronal activity have been recorded during erection. Interestingly, MPOA lesions do not affect reflexive or noncontact erections.
All of this has led to debate as to the role of the MPOA in erectile function. The emerging theory is that the MPOA likely serves as an integration center of hormonal and sensory inputs for sexual behavior and redistributes these signals to the hypothalamic and brainstem structures thought to be more directly linked to erectile control, such as the PVN.
Other Supraspinal Centers Many other supraspinal areas have been shown in animal studies to be related to erectile function. In monkeys, isolated stimulation of the medial dorsal nucleus of the thalamus, ventral tegmental area, precallosal cingulate gyrus, and subcallosal and caudal gyrus led to erections.
Hippocampal stimulation in anesthetized rats increased intracavernous pressures as did desynchronization of the somatosensory cortex following cocaine administration. A center for descending the inhibition of spinal sexual reflexes has been localized to a group of neurons in the paragigantocellular reticular nucleus of the ventral medulla.
The exact role each supraspinal area plays in mediating erection is currently unclear. However, it is apparent that there are extensive interconnections between many supraspinal centers that contribute to descending pathways and exert powerful control, both inhibitory and excitatory, on the spinal responses driving erection.
The erectile dysfunction drug market is unequally divided between Cialis, Viagra and Levitra. However, this does not help us analyze as to which medication is better than the other two; either work wise or safety wise. It has been found that men who took oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors had improved erectile function as compared to men who did not take any of the three medications.
While erectile dysfunction is primarily a physical problem, if left untreated it can quickly germinate into a psychological problem. Therefore it can be safely said that Viagra, as well as other ED drugs treat erectile dysfunction in addition to erectile dysfunction related depression. Erectile dysfunction could be a result of medical problems like heart disease, diabetes and alcoholism among others, as well as social or psychological problems like an inferiority complex.
In the same vein, trials comparing the three erectile function medications – sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalafil (Cialis) – were inconclusive as to which medication worked best for erectile dysfunction. However, when we go a step ahead and compare all the three drugs for added medical cures for various other diseases, Viagra wins hands down.
Viagra is still the most sought after drug for erectile dysfunction. Viagra has a proven safety track record of over a decade now. Since, men taking Viagra for years now have not had any health complaints because of Viagra use, Viagra has become their drug of choice. Associated with ED for over a decade now, Viagra is used by millions of men worldwide to enjoy their sexual life to the fullest.
Apart from ED, men with congestive heart failure (CHF), pulmonary hypertension, mountain sickness and Reynaud’s phenomenon can also safely use sildenafil (Viagra) to improve their sexual functioning. In fact, Viagra has inspired many patients to take their heart failure drugs regularly; this motivation comes from the fact that Viagra causes no harmful effects and also improves exercise performance. Associated with improved function of the heart and blood vessels, Viagra lends confidence to ED patients.
In addition, it has been witnessed that people who are treated with sildenafil citrate (Viagra) had significantly lower blood pressure and heart rate as well as significant improvement in oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. Moreover, people notice an increase in their total exercise time as a result of Viagra usage. In fact Viagra study reveals that its benefits far outweigh its detrimental side effects when used as treatment for ED.
Viagra, it is believed may have the potential for treating several other conditions, according to a recent report. Viagra (sildenafil) has been on the market for a decade now and is therefore the most studied. Although, it is yet not clear whether other ED pills offer similar benefits, but Viagra, at least, is proven to be useful for other medical conditions as of now, which include:
Pulmonary hypertension: This is an uncommon but serious disorder in which there is consistent high pressure in the blood vessels that go to the lungs. Viagra is now marketed by the name of Revatio for this disorder.
Mountain sickness: Viagra is now known to reduce pulmonary artery pressure in people at high altitudes. This helps improve one’s ability to exercise in low oxygen conditions.
Raynaud’s phenomenon: When an individual is exposed to the cold, it triggers spasms in the small arteries that supply blood to the extremities. As a result the fingers and the toes become pale, cold and painful. Viagra helps relieve these symptoms.
Heart disease: Studies conducted on patients with congestive heart failure and diastolic dysfunction with Viagra has revealed that Viagra might help these patients combat these ailments effectively.
Fertility: A major study of Viagra with regard to fertility showed that it could dramatically increase the chances of pregnancy in certain women. Viagra does this by aiding blood flow to the uterus. Viagra helps dilate blood vessels and seems to promote growth of the lining of the uterus without side-effects.
Diabetes: Researchers have revealed that Viagra may benefit people with gastroparesis or delayed stomach emptying. This ailment impedes digestion and causes dehydration as well as loss of appetite, a problem that is commonly found in about 75% of the diabetics. Viagra might just help maintain insulin and blood sugar levels, something that is essential for all diabetics.
Female sexual function: In women who have undergone hysterectomy or those who have reached menopause could possibly find relief in Viagra. In both cases women experience a loss of female hormone production, which leads to sexual problems like loss of sensation and lubrication. Viagra simply increases the effects of nitric oxide, which in turn, enhances blood flow to the genital area.
Strokes: Iceland-based researchers have excluded the gene that plays a role in the growth of blood vessels; this gene is responsible for an increase in the risk of a stroke. Viagra has the potential to block this gene.
Neo-natal care: It has been recently revealed that Viagra can be used to open up arteries in premature babies with heart and lung problems. Viagra is thought to have worked by increasing the blood flow through the pulmonary artery from the heart to the lungs.
Plants: Viagra even helps drooping plants.
Recent research has given a fresh insight into the healing capabilities of Viagra as a multi-treatment pill. Now available to a wide range of people, Viagra might just prove to be beneficial for many other health conditions, keeping its popularity on a rise.
Erectile dysfunction features among the most common and most troubling male sexual disorders. The inability to have and maintain an erection affects sexual life, confidence and ultimately – a relationship with a partner.
If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, you have probably researched and tried a medley of pills and treatments. Some of them tend to be somehow effective, others miss the mark. You have probably heard about black ant pills and their ability to counter sexual problems but you are wondering whether these really work.
In order to find the answer to these questions, you will first have to understand erectile dysfunction. Figuring out the causes of the problem will help you choose the most efficient solution. You should also understand that male enhancement pills do work, as long as you choose real quality.
Definition and Causes
Erectile dysfunction is a serious sexual problem that appears to be affecting more men now than it used to in the past.
Nearly all men experience occasionally the inability to have or sustain an erection. If it happens a single time, there is no reason to worry. Stress, emotionality and other external factors could interfere with the ability of a man to have a satisfactory intercourse. Erectile dysfunction becomes a problem when it occurs on a regular basis and it interferes with the sexual activity of an individual.
The problem is exceptionally troublesome because many individuals consider it to be ‘shameful’ and refrain from seeking assistance.
Erectile dysfunction is caused by circulatory problems that prevent blood from reaching the penis, nerve diseases, psychological factors, as well as penis injury. Some medications can also result in the inability to have an erection. Psychological factors do get aggravated if an individual finds it impossible to handle the situation in a quick and efficient manner. This is when assistance has to be sought, preferably involving the selection of a proper treatment like the black ant sex pills.
Some Erectile Dysfunction Statistics
Statistics show that one out of 10 men suffers from erectile dysfunction. The number of people that are experiencing erection problems in the US solely totals 30 million. The figure is quite impressive, ranking erectile dysfunction among the most common sexual problems.
Some diseases increase the chance of erectile occurring. Nearly 50 percent of the men suffering from diabetes experience erection problems. Another factor that increases the risk of erectile dysfunction is age – the chance of it occurring increases dramatically after the age of 65.
Smokers are another group of men that tend to experience erectile dysfunction more commonly than others. According to statistics, the smokers of one pack of cigarettes per day are 50 percent more likely to experience erection problems than men of the same age group who are non-smokers.
Black Ant Male Enhancement Pills and Erectile Dysfunction: Myths and Facts
Herbal pills have been around for some time but as male sexual problems are becoming more prominent, this treatment is gaining popularity.
Black ant male enhancement pills feature among the most demanded erectile dysfunction treatments. This is an all-natural supplement that contains a mix of herbs popular among Tibetan healers. Some of the main ingredients are saffron, a blend of Chinese herbs, caterpillar fungus, Tibetan yak testis and deer penis.
The regular taking of Black Ant pills results in bigger erections, higher sexual stamina, intense orgasm and powerful ejaculations. These male enhancement pills are also suitable for the treatment of premature ejaculation.
It all sounds great but do the black ant pills really work? The pill has to be taken approximately 30 minutes before the expected intercourse. The ingredients produce results for several hours, which will be sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance. Chinese medicine is known for its reliance on herbs and all natural products. Most of these traditional remedies are highly effective and the same applies to black ant products.
The bottom line is that there is no risk involved because black ant pills are all-natural. Apart from successfully treating erectile dysfunction, these herbal pills can also affect a number of health conditions, including problems of the cardiovascular system. Taking a single pill every day for a specific period of time will produce consistent and sustainable results; significantly improving your sexual life and helping you combat one of the most common and most devastating sexual problems for men.
The erectile dysfunction drug market is unequally divided between Cialis, Viagra and Levitra. However, this does not help us analyze as to which medication is better than the other two; either work wise or safety wise. It has been found that men who took oral phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors had improved erectile function as compared to men who did not take any of the three medications.
While erectile dysfunction is primarily a physical problem, if left untreated it can quickly germinate into a psychological problem. Therefore it can be safely said that Viagra, as well as other ED drugs treat erectile dysfunction in addition to erectile dysfunction related depression. Erectile dysfunction could be a result of medical problems like heart disease, diabetes and alcoholism among others, as well as social or psychological problems like an inferiority complex.
In the same vein, trials comparing the three erectile function medications – sildenafil (Viagra), Vardenafil (Levitra), and tadalafil (Cialis) – were inconclusive as to which medication worked best for erectile dysfunction. However, when we go a step ahead and compare all the three drugs for added medical cures for various other diseases, Viagra wins hands down.
Viagra is still the most sought after drug for erectile dysfunction. Viagra has a proven safety track record of over a decade now. Since, men taking Viagra for years now have not had any health complaints because of Viagra use, Viagra has become their drug of choice. Associated with ED for over a decade now, Viagra is used by millions of men worldwide to enjoy their sexual life to the fullest.
Apart from ED, men with congestive heart failure (CHF), pulmonary hypertension, mountain sickness and Reynaud’s phenomenon can also safely use sildenafil (Viagra) to improve their sexual functioning. In fact, Viagra has inspired many patients to take their heart failure drugs regularly; this motivation comes from the fact that Viagra causes no harmful effects and also improves exercise performance. Associated with improved function of the heart and blood vessels, Viagra lends confidence to ED patients.
In addition, it has been witnessed that people who are treated with sildenafil citrate (Viagra) had significantly lower blood pressure and heart rate as well as significant improvement in oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production. Moreover, people notice an increase in their total exercise time as a result of Viagra usage. In fact Viagra study reveals that its benefits far outweigh its detrimental side effects when used as treatment for ED.
Viagra, it is believed may have the potential for treating several other conditions, according to a recent report.
Viagra (sildenafil) has been on the market for a decade now and is therefore the most studied. Although, it is yet not clear whether other ED pills offer similar benefits, but Viagra, at least, is proven to be useful for other medical conditions as of now, which include:
– Pulmonary hypertension: This is an uncommon but serious disorder in which there is consistent high pressure in the blood vessels that go to the lungs. Viagra is now marketed by the name of Revatio for this disorder.
– Mountain sickness: Viagra is now known to reduce pulmonary artery pressure in people at high altitudes. This helps improve one’s ability to exercise in low oxygen conditions.
– Raynaud’s phenomenon: When an individual is exposed to the cold, it triggers spasms in the small arteries that supply blood to the extremities. As a result the fingers and the toes become pale, cold and painful. Viagra helps relieve these symptoms.
– Heart disease: Studies conducted on patients with congestive heart failure and diastolic dysfunction with Viagra has revealed that Viagra might help these patients combat these ailments effectively.
– Fertility: A major study of Viagra with regard to fertility showed that it could dramatically increase the chances of pregnancy in certain women. Viagra does this by aiding blood flow to the uterus. Viagra helps dilate blood vessels and seems to promote growth of the lining of the uterus without side-effects.
– Diabetes: Researchers have revealed that Viagra may benefit people with gastroparesis or delayed stomach emptying. This ailment impedes digestion and causes dehydration as well as loss of appetite, a problem that is commonly found in about 75% of the diabetics. Viagra might just help maintain insulin and blood sugar levels, something that is essential for all diabetics.
– Female sexual function: In women who have undergone hysterectomy or those who have reached menopause could possibly find relief in Viagra. In both cases women experience a loss of female hormone production, which leads to sexual problems like loss of sensation and lubrication. Viagra simply increases the effects of nitric oxide, which in turn, enhances blood flow to the genital area.
– Strokes: Iceland-based researchers have excluded the gene that plays a role in the growth of blood vessels; this gene is responsible for an increase in the risk of a stroke. Viagra has the potential to block this gene.
– Neo-natal care: It has been recently revealed that Viagra can be used to open up arteries in premature babies with heart and lung problems. Viagra is thought to have worked by increasing the blood flow through the pulmonary artery from the heart to the lungs.
– Plants: Viagra even helps drooping plants.
Recent research has given a fresh insight into the healing capabilities of Viagra as a multi-treatment pill. Now available to a wide range of people, Viagra might just prove to be beneficial for many other health conditions, keeping its popularity on a rise.
There are so many diseases that exist in this world. One of the most important as well as curable disease is the erectile dysfunction. In earlier times people did not have any idea as how to increase their sexuality and get rid of sexual problems. But now science has made life of the people very easy. If you are facing any sexual problem where you cannot satisfy your partner on bed, then all you need is a Viagra. Well it is available in almost all the stores but it is very important that you get it from the best stores and that too at the best price. When you buy Viagra, you should carefully look at the date of manufacturing of the product. In this case you can remain on a safer side.
There are many websites where you can buy Viagra online. But in this case you need to be extra careful and make the best research so that you get the best one for you without any trouble. There is hardly anybody in this world who does not know about this product. It has a great positive output that helps to gain confidence within the person. There were some misconceptions that these tablets have side effects to one’s health. But science has proved it and made it clear that there are no harmful effects to a person’s health. When you buy it online you should be sure that you are getting the right product.
So it is very important to make the right choice by getting the best tablet for you and lead a very happy and satisfying sexual life. It is also very important that you come in contact with your family doctor before you wish to take this tablet. He or she would be the best person to guide you. Do remember to read the different reviews that people provide after taking the tablet. In this case you can remain quite confident that you have chosen the right place to get it ordered online. Show your inner power and make your partner satisfied on bed.