Posts Tagged ‘Viagra’

Generic Viagra – Better than the Branded Viagra

Wednesday, January 5th, 2011

There are people who have used the branded Viagra since its launching in the medicinal market. There is no doubt that it was revolutionary and brought happiness to many. It is also true that when it came there was no other alternative which was comparable with it. As the time passed by, other medicines came but the name Viagra makes special even today. But now the Generic Viagra is also available, which when compared to the branded one is far better.

Now you are wondering if the above written statement is true or can be true, right. This is true. How it is true, that you will come to know. What makes a product better than another product? The answer can be productivity or effectiveness, price or affordability, availability and user friendliness.

If the criterion is price, then the generic Viagra is less than the branded one. The branded Viagra was one of the costliest medicines of the world. But the generic version is available to everyone with minimal price which makes it highly affordable. Mathematically the generic version is less than the half price of the branded Viagra. So it is affordable to more people for its lesser price and makes it more popular to them.

The quality of any product is always compared to price. People tend to think that if the price is high then the quality is high and vice versa. But in this world there are so many product and so many minds, this makes the theory go wrong. People launch products with low price and high quality. One such example is the generic Viagra. Here also the generic version is better compared to the branded one.

The Generic Viagra India is available to everyone who knows to use the basics of computer. Just a click away is your generic Viagra. You need to place your order and wait for your delivery sitting in your home. If you want the branded Viagra, then have to go to the selected stores where it is available. After all the comparisons you must have decided to buy the generic medicine for your sexual problems.

The STD and Viagra Connection

Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, all too often men just want to treat the problem and hope it goes away. This is a condition that is awkward and uncomfortable, and men seek the first available treatment without educating themselves adequately, hoping it will go away fast. The problem with this is that it is so easy to get consumed with a problem that is effecting you both physically and emotionally, that you forget to take the necessary precautions you would normally take to maintain your overall health. A recent study just found that men in America over the age of 40 that are taking medication for erectile dysfunction are being diagnosed with STD’s at a rate two times higher than American men over the age of 40 that are not taking medication for erectile dysfunction. What does this tell you? ED medication is in fact so effective at treating ED, that it is leading to a more sexually active lifestyle, but not necessarily sexually healthy. Read here to find out how you can stay healthy overall, and still have the active sex life that you enjoy.

It all boils down to remembering what it was like to enjoy the heat of the moment. Men over forty that are enjoying a renewed sense of spirit on ED medications canada are simply forgetting the basics. If you are a man that has experienced ED, you know just how debilitating that can be emotionally. It is easy to feel emasculated, worthless, and down on yourself when you are faced with such an uncomfortable situation. You may even feel like you will never experience the euphoria of intimacy again. With effective treatment of ED medication, all of those feelings vanish, and you feel like the king of the world again. And you should. But you also must remember, maintaining your common sense in the heat of the moment is just as critical to your health now, as it was when you were 18.

The study discussed above was found in The Annals of Internal Medicine journal, and this study found that younger men in America were still getting STD’s faster than their older male counterparts. Even so, the rate of STD’s in men taking ED medication is more than twice as high as the rates in those not taking ED medication. This study went on further to discuss how men over fifty are six times less likely to use a condom than men in their twenties. In order to determine if ED medication had an effect on STD rates, researchers for this study further examined insurance records for over 1.5 American males over forty. This examination led to a discovery of high rates of STD’s, in conjunction with a 14% rate of men using ED medication. Since many men do not use insurance to pay for ED medication, researchers concluded the rate of men on ED medication with a medical history of STD`s would be even higher than the indicated 14%.

This study is validated by statistics found at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC conducted their own statistical analysis to find that between the years of 1996 and 2008, STD rates in the over forty male crowd rose more than 75%.

What it boils down to is that older men are less worried about possible pregnancy, and thus are less likely to recall the need for safe sex practices. Safe sex practices is not just about birth control, and STD’s are becoming a serious problem in this demographic that is taking ED medication such as Viagra or generic Viagra India. It`s very simple to overcome these statistics, when you order your online Viagra, order a couple of boxes of condoms at the same time.

When Viagra Works

Friday, December 24th, 2010

Sometimes, Viagra doesn’t show the effects that are expected to happen in patients. This is infrequent, but possible. There are many reasons for this, and it is important to discuss all the options before buying this medication. Some people don’t believe that it can work for them, and this makes it harder to prescribe the medication.

Viagra works when the patient is sexually excited. Because the medicine works to renew the chemical imbalance in the brain, it should be taken half an hour to an hour before having sex, and will look no different to an erection that has proceeded without the assistance of Viagra. Since the introduction of Viagra in 1993 it has an 80 percent success rate with the maximum dose. For the people who didn’t succeed with the medication, it is necessary to note that Viagra does not simply cause an erection. There needs to be a definite level of sexual stimulus before the chemical process can commence. Besides, both parties should have an equal desire for making sex.

Many men think they need Viagra to get an erection without needing to be fully excited. Sexual intimacy alone will not help Viagra to function, as the mind must desire the act before the blood flow to the penis can be added. If the partner isn’t willing to have sex, then it is unlikely that the patient will be stimulated enough for Viagra to work. Discussing the problem with your loved one, and looking for all the information together can make both lovers closer, help them understand and finally increment knowledge and sexual desire for one another.

Taking Viagra half an hour before sex, and taking part in acts that raise desire can produce the better outcome from the medication. Thus, the more excited both lovers are, the more possible Viagra is to work right to reach and keep an erection without the desire fading. Mental factors might also prevent Viagra from functioning adequately. It is a usual problem for men suffering from erectile dysfunction to also suffer from depression or disquietness. It is the discomfort suffered by the man that prevents sexual satisfaction. If the man is embarrassed due to the harrassment often attached to men who suffer from erectile dysfunction, then this could have adverse results even with Viagra.

Other reasons such as interference, or disbelief in the medicine could mean that an erection is improbable, and these factors should be treated before the doctor prescribes Viagra.Indian Viagra is prescribed to assist men of all ages and many levels of erectile dysfunction get and maintain an erection for some hours. It is one of the most famous erectile dysfunction medicine on the market that has a high success rate. It doesn’t need to be a discomfort, and with the full awareness, sexual fulfillment is within your reach.

Buy Viagra Online

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

Many men inquire about how is the best way to buy Viagra online. First thing you should know is that there are a number of fake versions of Viagra around that are not only illigal but can be harmful to your health as well. Do your due dilligance before you buy.

It is also recommended to consult with your doctor before you consider taking any medication because it might have an interaction with other medications that you are taking or with your diet. It is also recommended to read the medications manual carefully, and be aware of all of its side affects and their implications, give special notice to warnings on the medications manual such as: to avoid driving, or sun exposure. Precautions in meds manual are to be taken seriously. In any doubt, consult with your doctor.

The Facts About Viagra

Viagra is the brand name of the medication sildenafil citrate, which is used to treat male erectile dysfunction (ED), also referred to as impotence. In 1998, Viagra became the first medication officially approved for treatment of erectile dysfunction in the United States. It was shown to be successful in 4 out of 5 men. Viagra comes in pills of 50mg or 100mg each with 50mg being the recommended dose for most men. The patient should take the pill at least 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. It lasts 4 hours and can be taken up to three times a day. The success rate of oral ED medications is very high, above 90%; however different people require different dosages to attain optimum results.

Does Viagra have any side effects?

Side effects associated with Viagra tend to be mild; however as with any other medication it is not suitable for everyone and should not be taken without precaution. Patients taking Viagra should be aware that reactions vary from person to person and side effects cannot be anticipated.
Common mild side effects include:

* Headaches.
* Hearing Loss
* Blurred or color tinged vision and/or sensitivity to light.
* Acid indigestion.
* Flushing.
* Nasal congestion.

You should not take Viagra if:

* You are taking any nitrate based medications (e.g., nitroglycerin, isosorbide).
* You use any recreational medications containing amyl or butyl nitrate, like “poppers”.
* You suffer from any active heart disease or have had a stroke in the previous 6 months.

You should take precautions and tell your doctor or pharmacist if:

* You have any history of STD’s, penile injury, or abnormality (e.g., angulations, fibrosis, and priapism, an erection lasting longer than 4 hours).
* You have any blood cell disorders (e.g., sickle cell, anemia, leukemia).
* You are taking any alpha-blocker (blood pressure) medications.
* You are taking any other medications for impotence or HIV inhibitors.
* You suffer from any eye diseases or have ever experienced severe loss of vision.
* You suffer from any kidney or liver diseases.
* You suffer from very high or very low blood pressure.

Allergic reactions to Viagra are very rare, however if you develop a reaction (rash, itching, abnormal swelling, priapism) or experience any change in your response to Viagra, stop taking them immediately and seek advice from a doctor.

Viagra Wonder Is Still On!

Sunday, December 19th, 2010

The wonder of viagra will never cease! There was the Peruvian viagra, viagra ice cream, viagra to cure jet lag and now the most recent – Viagra Oyster. It’s funny but true that Viagra has remarkably maintained its popularity in spite of being launched nearly a decade ago and facing controversies now and then. Further, many competitors have come and gone but the Viagra magic is still on. In regard to impotency Viagra is the father of all and has influenced the entire world in curing impotency.

No drug has ever been as popular as viagra. The very word Viagra has become synonymous of impotency although there are many other drugs available which even work and last longer than viagra. Though this drug is meant for the use of males only, it is one of the most searched word on the internet and the most spoken about medicine. It has also become the pun of many jokes and thereby helps in spreading smiles and happiness.

Viagra is being popularized again and again through the use of its name whenever a new discovery is made via any drug, drink or food. The use of words such as the “new viagra food,” “new viagra drink,” “new viagra chocolate” etc will never end. Though, the use of Viagra word has greatly elevated the popularity of viagra as an important drug by labeling each and every stuff found to be having the potential of curing impotency, it can also bring it down and tarnish the real image of viagra if the so called drugs or drinks don’t live up their name. Further, it breaches the patent right.

Viagra though is potent of giving satisfying results; it too has limits which should never be overlooked. Viagra should always be taken in consultation with your doctor. Viagra which actually is sildenafil should not be taken along with nitrates as it can even cause deaths. Taking of nitroglycerin patches, nitroglycerin ointment, pills or nitroglycerin ointment or isosorbide pills along with viagra causes the blood sugar to drop so low that it may lead to death.

Therefore, when new things come in the market like the recent Viagra oyster you should not rush to it. It is important to check out the safety measures first. For many people the viagra oyster may be a nice delicacy which can be food as well as a medicine but do you know the side effects? As the oysters were fed on the crushed Viagra and some minerals they are not the same as the natural oyster. Therefore, whenever any anti-impotency drugs or local remedies are discovered do not rush to it until and unless proper research or studies are done on the subject.

Important Facts About Medications Used For Impotence Treatments

Thursday, December 16th, 2010

Kamagra oral jelly and Kamagra soft tabs 100mg are two newer forms of Sildenafil, the drastic main ingredient of Viagra, that has successfully cured millions of men being affected by ED. The jelly and the uncoated pills work slightly faster than the traditional hard pills and come in an array of various flavors, which makes them easier to take and more pleasant. Both these pills are just as effectual as the brand name drug and can be hassle-free and easily ordered online.

Do Kamagra soft and Kamagra oral jelly really work?

This is one commonly asked question as many males are unwilling to get impotence tablets online owing to the huge number of frauds. Still, pharmaceutical companies which have to perform all international safety standards and generate high quality medications only are the ones that produce Kamagra soft tablets and Kamagra oral jelly 100 mg. If you experience ED (impotence) and want to try Kamagra oral jelly and Kamagra soft tabs 100 mg, the first logical step is to go to your physician and let him decide in case Sildenafil Citrate is right for you or not. Lest one experiences serious health conditions and uses drugs which might interact with this male impotence medication, the doctor should be able to give a person a prescription for Viagra and even offer him a few free sample tablets. If you respond well to the pills and are able to attain an erection naturally without any side effects from the medication, then you can progress to the next logical step and start buying the more affordable Kamagra soft and Kamagra oral jelly online.

These two medications should be treated with the same manner as any other medicine and used only in the prescribed dosage and only when it’s needed. Both the soft pills and the jelly should be taken only one dose per day and can produce some adverse reactions – it should be mentioned that the chances of these bad reactions is the same despite the fact if one uses the brand name tablets, the Kamagra soft tablets or Kamagra oral jelly. Another concern which a lot of males have is the low price tag, incident to these two forms of Sildenafil. The lower price isn’t the sign of subordinate pills and can be explained by the fact that both the jelly and the soft tablets are generic forms of Viagra, that are produced by pharmaceuticals that didn’t have to spend millions on research and marketing and this empowers them to maintain lower prices without compromising the quality.

It should also be noted that at this time, a treatment for erectile dysfunction doesn’t exist and all accessible oral tablets have to be taken each time when a man tries to perform sexually. In the not so common cases, when erectile dysfunction is brought on by psychological problems, a therapy might be all that is needed. But in the extensive majority of impotence cases, the oral pills are the most effectual form of treatment. It is always advisable to start the treatment under a doctor’s superintendence, in spite of the chosen pill and once it has been established that no dangerous side effects are produced, then a man can stick with the pills, jelly or tablets on his own. Obtaining Kamagra oral jelly and Kamagra soft tabs 100mg online has a great number of privileges and apart from the convenience and the lower price, it’s the easiest way to order drastic ED tablets discretely.

Viagra Can Make Fantasies into Realities

Tuesday, December 14th, 2010


Viagra Can Make Fantasies into Realities.

Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction often think that a normal sex life is something that is beyond their reach. The idea of having a satisfying intimate relationship with their spouse or partner has become a fantasy. However, there is hope for turning that fantasy back into a reality with Viagra. Viagra can bring back the fun in the bedroom of many men who thought that their sex life was over permanently. If you have found that your sex life has turned into nothing but a fantasy since you began having problems with erectile dysfunction, Viagra may be right for you.

Why Do You Need Viagra?

While in an ideal world, erectile dysfunction would be a temporary problem that would clear up on its own within a few weeks, or months, at the most, the majority of men need Viagra or some other medical assistance to overcome the symptoms. Many times erectile dysfunction cannot be cured, only treated with Viagra whenever sexual activity is desired. If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, you can get back your sex life by using Viagra.

What Does Viagra Do?

Many people believe that Viagra is a sexual stimulant or causes an erection, just from taking the pill itself. This common belief is actually a myth. Viagra works by helping to reestablish blood flow to the penis. This will allow you to achieve and maintain an erection, just as you naturally would. Viagra does not cause an erection by itself; it just allows you to react as you normally do to sexual stimulation. With Viagra, the process that it takes to get an erection does not change; it is just aided and enhanced by taking the medication.

What Are The Benefits?

Of course, the main benefit of Viagra is the reason you would choose to try it in the first place. Viagra works within the body to allow users to achieve an erection and to keep it throughout the act of sex. You and your partner can get greater satisfaction when you are intimate, allowing for a more enjoyable experience for you both. Outside the newfound enjoyment of your intimate, physical relationship, other aspects of your relationship will improve greatly, as well. You will likely have a closer relationship emotionally, too, as a result of Viagra. If your self-image or self-esteem was affected by your inability to perform in the bedroom, that will also quickly correct itself. So many aspects of your life can be positively affected by trying Viagra, it can really turn your world into the existence of your dreams.

What Are The Cautions?

While Viagra is very safe for most men to take, there are a few red flags that everyone considering Viagra should be aware of. Those with serious heart conditions and other medical situations that keep them from safely participating in sex should not take Viagra. This includes those who have been recently treated for stroke and heart attacks. If you are on medications such as alpha-blockers to control your blood pressure, you may not be able to take Viagra. The most dangerous drug interaction that has been shown in studies is that of nitrates and Viagra. Anyone who uses nitrates in any form should not take Viagra. Failure to heed this warning could prove to be fatal. Even with these extreme warnings about interactions, if care is taken when obtaining Viagra, it is an effective and safe treatment for erectile dysfunction.

How Can You Get Viagra?

Obtaining a prescription for Viagra is as simple as making an appointment with your doctor. As long as you are healthy enough for sex and are not taking any conflicting medications, you should be able to try Viagra without any problems or difficulties. Your doctor will evaluate your physical health and look at your current medications to decide if taking Viagra is a safe choice for you. Once you have been given the green light and a prescription, simply fill it at the pharmacy of your choice and you are good to go. The fantasy of getting back your intimate relationship with your partner can again become a reality once you get your prescription for Viagra.

You can order viagra or viagra professional without prescription at Canadian generic viagra online pharmacy.

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